
Natural crystallization of salt is a process that occurs when water containing dissolved salt evaporates, leaving behind solid salt crystals. This often occurs in arid or semi-arid areas where evaporation is higher than precipitation.
Table salt or sodium chloride (NaCl) is usually produced by the evaporation of brine in sunny areas; brine is collected from the sea or saltwater lakes. This water contains a variety of salts, with sodium chloride being the predominant salt. This method requires a large space in which water can naturally evaporate and crystals can grow.
Industrial Crystallization

Industrial crystallization is a process that uses steam or electrical energy to replicate natural crystallization in a small space.
Evaporative crystallizers are by far the most common form of crystallizer. In industrial settings they are used to separate liquids and solids. These are critical machine components for chemical processing because they require only a small amount of energy to produce high-purity products.
During this process, the water containing the solute evaporates to the point where the solute becomes supersaturated, causing spontaneous crystal formation.
The size, shape and purity of the resulting crystals can be controlled by adjusting parameters such as temperature, solvent composition and evaporation rate. Industrial crystallization is an important technology for separating clean water from inorganic or organic materials and providing solid waste that can be easily disposed or recycled.
Brine ACT technology

A true compact crystallizer designed to maximize water recovery and accelerate the separation of solids into crystalline forms for easier handling, disposal and recycling. An advanced crystallization design that with its flexible yet robust design, can be used with fairly viscous media and where sedimentation is a major issue, and is ideally suited for our ZLD applications where we need to optimize water recovery and easily dispose or recycle solid waste
Let us take the example of a brine containing 10% TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) by weight.
This means that for every 1000g (1 litre) of brine, 100g is made up of a mixture of chlorides, sulphates, sodium, calcium and a variety of other components such as potassium, nickel, lead, mercury and many, many other contaminants.
This solution, when supersaturated under controlled conditions, generate spontaneous crystal formation in the form of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, calcium sulphate, etc.
Under controlled conditions these crystals reach a size of about 1mm and can be easily separated from the brine with a small centrifuge along with the other impurities present in the system.
This salt cake will be easy to handle for recovery or recycling purposes.
The water that is evaporated is a distillate with a very high water quality of about 20 milligrams per litre that can be reused in the system.
MVR Technology

In traditional evaporators, a significant portion of the energy contained in the vapor stream is either wasted or only partially utilized. However, mechanical vapor recompression offers a solution by enabling the continuous recycling of this energy stream through the compression of the vapor to a higher pressure, resulting in increased energy content. This process utilizes electric energy, rather than live steam, to indirectly heat the plant.
By implementing MVR Technology (Mechanical Vapor Recompression), both energy costs and the CO2 footprint are reduced, leading to a decrease in environmental impact.
Maximize energy conservation by attaining an efficiency rate of up to 86 percent.
Locating or relocating is a simple task, requiring only the presence of an energy source.